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NJ5 said:

You're shooting bullets in all the directions, I was just looking for a clear reason to put the Wii in another category. I take it from your latest post that you gave up on the "time spent playing" and "software sold ratio" angles, so your point is that Nintendo's and 3rd parties decisions put it in another category?

Show me a single declaration from Nintendo which says that hardcore gamers aren't targeted by the Wii. Show me something concrete which supports your statements.



"I think our two competitors will trade share between them, while we go off and grab share in a completely different way."

"Our focus is interactive game play, a whole new way to play, that puts fun back into this business. It allows everybody to pick up and play and isn't focused on the core gamer."


-Reginald Fils-Aime, President Nintendo of America




Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
