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This topic is a bit silly. I really am getting board of these threads. Just as long as soy, brings forth the great games, and keeps improving in their service i am good. What sony needs to do is concentrate on their profits and customer relations, and they'll make it through these tough times.

It really does not matter what position they come this Gen, they have made an excellent product, and the people who have bought it seem to really be happy with it (like me). Just enjoy your console, let Sony figure out what they need to do to survive, they have been in the business for decades, i am sure they know how to run their company and products better then you do.

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"