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Dude a lot and i mean a lot of time is remaining for this generation to end.The PlayStation brand is far more popular and powerful than the other gaming brands around the world.Why do you think the PS2 is still selling.Once the price goes down the people will stop buying the PS2 and then buy the PS3.The sales then would be huge.


I think part of the problem is that Sony hasn't really taken an active role in phasing out the PS2.  There are too many dual release titles.  Either Sony should phase out the PS2 and drop the console price by $100.00, or just accept their role as #3.

I remember when the original XBOX was first released.  I was a Sony loyalist who thought that the XBOX would be a dumb fly-by-night console and would be forgotten, so I didn't buy one at first.  Then I played by buddy's XBOX, and the whole ease of the original XBOX Live just blew me away.  Hence I have been a dual campist every since.

I think if Sony waits too long, they'll find that MS lead in this generation is too great to overcome.  And when MS releases the next XBOX, people will buy it because they have not only become familiar with the brand, but also because people will want to carry over their friends list.

Sony's next wildcard is PLAYSTATION HOME becoming like LIVE... easy, convenient, and visually beautiful.  And then they need to drop the price, and rev up their PS2 phase out.  The PS3s biggest enemy at one time was their own console (PS2), and now that they've waited as long as they have, they are fighting not only the internal enemy of the PS2, but a MS company that seems to stop at nothing to continue to cement themselves in the console race as a leader for good.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
