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I always say most of videogame fans CHOOSE whatever definition of "winning" they feel most comfortable with. They also choose to believe every product competing in the market is the same (same exact Target Group, same exact Life Cycle, etc) . The PS3 is an ELITE product. It has always been since launch and will continue to be until (and hopefully)

No.1 : As a videogame console enters the $299 price range (and the market could be ready for the introduction of a *new* elite console sooner after that, since Sony painstakingly proved there is a market for this kind of $500-elite console).

No. 2: Blu-ray format is massively adopted, which would make it all the more desirable, as well as cheaper to produce.

Latest reports point to Blu-ray almost turning around the corner in its adoption cycle. 2009 is expected to be THE year of High Definition and Bu-ray must be set to shine. HDTV sales are on the rise and should reach their highest levels ever next summer. You see, a PS3-price reduction is no emergency right now, it's just not part of its cycle, it's not about looking pretty, it's just buisness.