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Pretty average, check some of my videos on my youtube channel on my sig.

My left hand is preety good, i have some good speed, awful thing is that i do a lot of accidental pull-offs, and my right hand sucks, sometimes i hit the wrong string (yes, a shame) and i'm a failure at fast alternate picking.

And i couldn't care less for a whammy. I just wish i had some better gear, my guitar sounds really is kinda weird, it gets out of tune really fast and sometimes when switching to treble the sounds just goes away. I really need to see a luthier. Dude, what i wouldn't give for a zakk wylde signature les paul, zakk wylde is the best out there.

Some cool music i can play:

What about acoustic? I've had an acoustic longer than i had an electric.

Some cool music i can play on acoustic: (learning this one still, and no, i can't do that intro, but it's not that hard)

And on the keyboard, well, i'm really awful at improvising in a keyboard, though i can play pretty good.

Some cool music i can play on the keyboard:

And best song i know on the harmonica is this one, i always wanted to learn it xD:

So, let's make this a thread for more instruments.

And can somebody help me out with my accidental pull-offs? Is there a solution for that?

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"