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Batman...WTF? said:
mibuokami said:


Greatest rebuttle to loose change ever from the coolest guy on the internet (or so he says)

This is what made start this in the first place. That and some confused people on Youtube...

Thanks for posting that site, that is the funniest thing I've read in a while.

The article on Beck's page goes on to ask: Need even more proof? No, you cock! You had me at "the U.S. $20 dollar bill contains hidden pictures of the World Trade Center." As if a folded picture of shrubbery on a bill that kind of looks like smoke wasn't convincing enough of a conspiracy, Beck offers this gem on his site to sway those few remaining skeptics:



This is followed by the fact that 9+11 = 20, and in big red letters:



The question mark at the end of "COINCIDENCE" is clearly there to denote a rhetorical question, as clearly, this is not a coincidence. To help out Glenn Beck, I sat down with a $100 bill and tried to find any hidden messages the bill might contain. Here's one that he hasn't found yet:

Step 1:

Fold the bill so that the "ON" of "ONE" is covered:


Step 2:

Fold again like so, covering "HU" of "HUNDRED:"


Step 3:

Another fold covering part of "DOLLARS:"


Step 4:

Finally make one last fold, and with a magic marker, add the following letters to reveal a hidden message!



Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.