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twesterm said:
windbane said:
to me, "since Metroid Prime 3" invalidates your opinion, but to each his or her own.


What problem did you have the controls on MP3?


I thought your statement was about the entirety of the game as an FPS. To me, as an FPS, it sucked. The controls were alright but not much better than CoD4 with sticks, imo. The Wiimote just isn't that accurate yet. I suppose the motion plus gizmo that adds to the cost of every controller will help. But if you are going to say you haven't enjoyed an FPS on console since MP3, I just don't trust your opinion because there have been several since then that I've found better. That's all.

But then, I wasn't going to trust any opinion that a controller is better than keyboard and mouse. I think it is more convienant at times, yes, and that's why I might finally play Bioshock on PS3 instead of PC since i can rent it as well (oh, and those stupid enticing trophies). My favorite controls for a console FPS so far is Unreal Tournament 3 because I can use my wireless keyboard and mouse.