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@dodece I am going to borrow both Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery from my friends once I have enough time to play either of those titles. I'm quite sure I'll enjoy both of those titles more, but I will still finish and keep Last Remnant, it's still an RPG and I've played far worse for far longer.

@mrstickball I understand your points, but to me they should implemented chaining or level scaling, one or the other never both. Sometimes the chaining can even screw you on accident. One time I chained 3 monsters knowing I could handle the 3 chain, but at the last second a monster popped out from under the ground 3 feet away. As a result I ended up with a 4 chain that got me in a dead end situation. This is an RPG not a schmup I shouldn't have to memorize enemy spawn areas.

Also yes they give you 5 commands you can choose and it does speed up battle but at the same time sometimes the choice you need isn't there. For instance say you have 1,200 life, the monster union your fighting deals 600 damage, in order to win you'll need your lowest speed character to heal at the end or there's a chance that monster will wipe your union next round. Unfortunately since you have 1000 hp you're not gonna get the heal and attack command. Instead you'll end up with 5 different attack commands, so basically there's a chance you're screwed.

The triggers are random as well, the more morale you have the more trigger chances you get. If your lucky and get a parry trigger you can deal insane counter damage. Unfortunately since it's based on luck, even at full morale I'll dodge/block and not get a parry trigger for the longest time or sometimes get two in a row. I enjoy simple ideas that makes game play faster easier, but Square made the commands too simple to the point where I don't feel like I can control my characters. The connection I get with characters from RPGs comes from the ability that I know I'm controlling them, I really don't feel this connection in Last Remnant.

@Pbroy I currently have 12 units, 5 leaders, and 4 unions. I considered 3 but opted for 4 because it would allow me to have more strategies in my deadlock and influence morale more. Some of my strategies wouldn't work with a 2 union group. For example one of them is to begin the battle flanking another enemy group, doing so allows me to eliminate that union and gain more morale. Another strategy I do is to break a deadlock with union 1 that is hurt so they can run back and heal. At the same time I take union 2 and interference the group that was fighting group 1 allowing group 1 to heal without getting raid locked and gaining a little bit of morale.

@Ari_Gold I was planning on picking it up from Gamestop until Amazon had it at 40. 30 bucks is worth it, the game isn't horribly bad but I feel the game has some major flaws, for an RPG enthusiast it's worth it to play through. I just feel like the ideas and concept were poorly presented. I'd give it a 7/10, and give Famitsu haters a nod that they're right. Famitsu must've been playing a different game when they gave Last Remnant a 48/50.

Also anyone else not enjoying the story of this game? It's so lifeless to me and I don't think I'll ever develop a connection with any of the characters.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-