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Speaking as somewhat of a video aficionado. Trust me my collection is huge it eats a five foot tall book shelf. The Blockbuster service is considered by most people that are serious about rentals to be a vastly inferior service. Best reserved for light foots at the best of times. However if you are such a light foot chances are you would just use a set top box, and order out through pay per view.

I have to agree with other posters Sony would probably be better off building their own service from scratch so that they can at least offer some real benefit, or better yet form a partnership with another online mailer. There are a few, and if Sony were willing to put forward the scratch they could have a comparable service within a year.

I would say if Blockbuster is the best that Sony has going for them then they haven't put enough work into the problem. Whether you like Microsoft or hate Microsoft they made the solid play. They got the best service, the most affordable service, and best of all they probably did it for a mint less then Sony will have to pay out to get a comparable service on their console.

I would say this if Blockbuster is the way Sony decided to go. Then Sony most obviously does not get it. Which Sony has been accused of far too often this generation.