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So I've put about 10-15 hours into the game so far, enough to finally figure out what the hell is going on in this game. Enough to also painfully wish I hadn't decided I needed a fresh RPG instead of continuing to play BK Nuts and Bolts.

At first The Last Remnant was pretty cool, I had no idea what was going on, the introduction seems like wtfbbq random?! The game pretty much throws you into a pit with a random friend and asks you to leave...5 minutes later the Marquis decides he'll help you for literally no reason. Doesn't he have more important matters to attend to? Like running his own damn city? So probably half an hour later the game decides to stop babying you and literally leave you in the middle of a zombie infested street to take care of yourself.

This is where everything goes all wrong. So you start the game unable to get any soldiers and with no idea what the hell you're supposed to do or go. The only way you'll be able to keep going is to hire 2 crappy leaders from a leader shop and form a union with them and using them for one section of the story.

The game at this point can suddenly turn ravenous on you. Especially if you play well in the early part of the game you might even regret it. The higher your Battle Level the more powerful your enemies, yes this game features level scaling in a Japanese RPG. The problem is once I returned to the castle and got the guest union David and friends. I would get to the boss of that quest and I would get raped and it wouldn't even be my fault. Since I am only able to control one union I'll attack with that union. Unfortunately since your guest unions are literally mentally insane they'll do stupid shit, and you could end up dying in the first turn...

I figure well they messed up the level design and scaling on this particular area, the game is early as I keep going I'll be able to form my own unions and have more control over the characters right, thus allowing more strategy and pwning of the monsters! Wrong and right! As you continue you'll get more unions and soldiers to hire but at the same time you still have random commands you can give to your group. Why can't I select what each character in my union is going to do. Why is it that sometimes I can heal and attack other times I can't? This problem pisses me off to no end, I need to able to control the characters in an RPG or it's just plain stupid.

Also the level scaling is just stupid, if a game gives you an ability to chain monsters, than you don't have to make it any more difficult. The player themselves can make battles more difficult simply by chaining. Unfortunately since monsters level with you, and all skill/stat gains you get are somewhat random, chaining monsters is more of a how fast do you want to die game. So far I've chained at most 4 monsters in the begginning of the game. At this point with Battle Level 30, chaining 3 monsters together is just asking for excrutiatingly slow death. And any more is just suicide. Anyone else feel Last Remnant was a dissapointment or perhaps there's something about the game that I don't know? (Like the reason I can't issue any command I want to my union....)


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-