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So I watched the Gametrailers Bonus I I'm noticing some thing

First, the Wii HD. GOD< this annoys me. The industry has some idea there will be a Wii HD in 2011. Now, why is it that people beleive Nintendo, the compnay that is in 1st will compy the losers. Not to mention Nintendo could probably sell Wiis from 2012 or 2013 (probably longer). The NES did this. The PS1 did this. The PS2 is still doing it. So, why does everyone beleive the succesful Wii will only last until 2011 and return to what everyone else is doing.

The other thing is this console war. Really, this isn't a game of risk despite what everyone wants to think. This is a buisness. It's about money, not the number of boxes sold. Yes, the number sold is importaint, but people only look at certain veriables to determine how successful a console is. Many people will say the XBox beat the Gamecube (yes, becuase the game industry is some kind of battleground), yet Nintendo made FAR more money. The industry, of course, doesn't care about this and only sees boxes and BIG TITLES.

There is also a problem on DLC/ Everyone sees it as a major driving force. While I can agree Nexflix is importaint, I don't think DLC matters. Consumers rarely connect their boxes online, so why is it so importaint to have DLC. Microsoft and Sony fight tooth and nail for this, but if not that many people get online then why worry about it. I think it's the same industry arguing like little children. Also, the acheivments/trophies. Let me telling something about them. They say their like a score right. People didn't play games to get a high score, they played the game becuase it was fun. Score exist to keep the player inthraled. If the player doesn't like your game, then why have them. I think this is the industry, once again, looking at something and seeing it is importaint when it really isn't.. It's not to say 360/PS3 games are bad, but the industry is having many warped views. I really think they are alienating everyone. Where are those 120million PS2 owners anyway?

The most importaint thing is that the industry only sees the 360 and the PS3. Hey, the Wii is there too. "Oh, but the Wii doesn't have good online". Ummm, hello, 24connect, Message Board, their Wi-Fi. Many people see Nintendo's system as annoying ans I can agree, but they miss the point. Nintendo does have a strong and smart online strategy. Their goal is to try and make online fun, but not annoying.Not to have 12 year olds screaming profanities at you.

But they only see the race as one for second. They ignore the Wii constantly. They dodge the subject and only talk about it in their terms (Wii HD). I think the game industry is becoming full of elitist. They sit there and discuse the wonders of videogames as art and see gaming only in HD. They do not see it as a business and chat about downloads, big games and DLC. I think the industry has lost it's mind.

Yeah, I know the video is biased becuase it deals with online, but I think the industry needs to stop living in a box. The industry is not about art. People buy games becuase they are fun, not becuase of the DLC, the story and HD graphics. They buy it becuase it is fun. Yet they continue to think this way despite the HD bros are struggling.