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Damstr8 said:
Epoch said:

Yea, it seems to me that the Chimeran searched out the earth to reclaim it.  The old contructs on Earth were from the previous battle with the race that created the Grey Tech, and the Chimeran began utilizing them immediately, suggesting that they created them in the first place.

Also: whoever did the voice acting for Henry Stillman deserves a raise.  That was some seriously creepy shit. joke,Henry Stillman(whoever played him) was an amazing voice actor.Every time i saw a radio i was like,YES.One of my favorite parts of the single player.Anyway,so this third race im guessing will be a big part of the next game(prequel or not).because Humanity doesnt have much left in them,and perhaps the chimera are still at war with this third race,and thats why they sought out to find earth,and started converting the humans(to help support their war).Maybe we are cattle?



Yea I think they are still at war with this other mystery race, and their search had more to do with finding the Prometheus Weapon (Grey Tech).  But it makes alot of sense that they would also use the humans to bolster their numbers.


   You think he'll pull a Terminator and be back?