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^^Oh OK, well as long as they were legitimately surprised by the attack...and here I thought they knew about it in advance and had time to prepare /sarcasm =P

Seriously, what kind of standard is that? The cops are excused from doing their jobs because they didn't see it coming? That's the exact situation they are most needed for, it is the most crucial time for them to perform their duty.

The fact that they are splitting at the seems is a direct result of the police not doing their job, not the other way around. People felt like there is no safety because there truly wasn't, and so they panicked. It's the job of the police to provide that safety even when it means risking their life, not just nab thieves and write tickets when it's perfectly safe.

I'm not even remotely suggesting that taking action would have been safe. On the contrary...policemen would have been wounded or killed doing their jobs, I have no illusions otherwise. The point is that the killing doesn't stop until someone does something. Simply doing nothing when you have the power to stop it is the same as shooting the people who die from your inaction all by yourself.

The terrorist have to be stopped by someone at some point, if everyone whose duty it is to stop them says "Well I'm not paid enough." or "My gun isn't good enough." etc...then nobody stops them and they kill until they run out of ammo.  Not exactly the type of plan that makes a lot of sense is it? Of course that may be why it wasn't the plan at all...

To Each Man, Responsibility