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Gears 1 was very caged and linear. Gears 2 was less so. I never meant to argue that it wasn't linear; only that it was just as linear as any other shooter. I mean, it's kind of impossible to create an "open" shooter unless you take out most of the shooter mechanics and take out objectives.

I'm not sure why Microsoft has not tried doing larger multiplayer modes. I think mostly it is because they tend to do P2P which is much better suited for the smaller matches. Plus, the amount of people who enjoy larger scale matches is much lower than the amount that wants 4v4 up to 8v8. Anything above that just gets hectic, as I'm sure that anyone playing R2 can vouch for the fact that the majority of players will not operate well in squads with random players. If they are in a group of friends, then the squads work well, but joining by yourself usually doesn't cut it.