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disolitude said:
waron said:
i just can't stand the "hardcore games" crap anymore


everyone can play call of duty 4 casually spending few hours once in a while and everyone can be hardcore nintendogs/pokemon gamer spending 6 hours per day playing those games.

lack of good core games from 3rd party for Q42008 and 2009? are they frickin kidding me?

lack of core nintendo games for wii in 2009? cosmic walker, sin & punishment 2, punch out, another code, line attack heroes, dynamic slash just to name a few.

Its sad when your biggest rival from 15 years ago has better "core" games than you do...on your console

As far as core gaming is concerned, Conduit, House of Dead, Sonic and the black knight and Madworld spank the ones you listed there. I'm sure nintendo will still announce Star Fox or some other hail mary and be the hero in everyones eyes...because they released one game that everyone wanted to see get made.

Cosmic Walker? lol No no, nintendo thinks kids don't want to fight aliens in space and dismember Dead Space...they want to explore, walk is safe for the whole family. Prolly I'll be able to use the wii fit board to walk on the moon...

Get N or get out indeed!


Wow, you seem to be just bitching for the hell of it. What i want to know is y don't you just sell ur Wii. I have all three systems, and it seems, when there is nothing to play on one of them, i can always find something for the other ones, so as a gamer i am pretty  content. i understand you want your core game's, but what i don't understand, is that this year there has been a ton of your core games released on all systems combined , but you are still here bitching, why? Why do nintendo owe you so much. I would argue they have released a lot of their core games so i do not get your constant whining against the Wii (you really do n most threads i see u in Wii related).

The way i look at it, Nintendo, help bring  up a lot of today's hardcore gamer (aged 18+) with great sysems like the nes, snes and so on. We now have a situation where we have 2 companies plus a whole industry just tending to the needs of todays hardcore gamer, and Nintendo trying to tend the needs of tomorrow's Hardcore gamers (everyone who did not play games or are new to playing games). So why be so mad about it? Really are microsoft , sony and most of the industry not enough for you? (this question goes out to every one complaining about Nintendo's new strategy), because if its not, maybe you should take up extra hobbies to satisfy your need, or maybe the problem is not with Nintendo or the Wii but with you.

I can never understand the hate thrown towards Nintendo. When i see my 4 year old nephew playing the Wii with his Dad, that really warms my heart, because come ten years that little boy could become a hardcore gamer, loving and contributing to this industry, like we are now (contributing meaning giving over our cash).

My girlfriend does not play Video games, but every once in a while she wants to play the pool game featured in Wii play. I still get to play the solo games i love but now i can also play other games with my loved ones. The Wii has brought a connection back to many families, where they play and have fun together, to me that is extremely good news.

I know the Wii has turned out differently from what a lot of gamers were expecting , but really is it so bad if it brings enjoyment to other demographics' outside of the hardcore gamer (who is still heavily catered for, alot more than the non - hardcore anyway)

I think maybe you should sell ur Wii unless there is someone in your house who really enjoys using it, other wise u r wasting your time. if you are not satified with it now after all the effort Nintendo has put into it, then you probably never will be for the rest of the Gen, so sell it, you would easily make back your investment plus more, so u can stop ur constant whining.

I think gamers really need to appreciate what they have, and not lambust other things that obviously appeal to other people. Microsoft and Sony seem to be doing a good job pushing out these Hardcore games on thier console, so really i ask again Whats the Problem?

To me This has been a great Generation.


Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"