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Million said:
Godot said:
el_rika said:

MGS4 took 4 years and was around 60 mil without publicity costs, was it not ? Quite possibly the most expensive [purely development costs] game so far.

To break even, around 1 mil copies, maybe a bit more.


@Godot - how is SE inneficient compared to EPIC ?

Corridor shooters with simplistic story and very few cinematics and dialogue are infinitelly less complex and cheaper to produce that RPGs with hours of cinematics and dialogue and huge maps with lots of stuff and interaction. Of course a FF like game would cost much more than a Gears like game.


Gears of War isn't a corridor shooter. You know creating a virtual world takes a lot of time no matter if it's a shooter or a RPG. If I say Epic is more efficient it's because they most likely will have released 3 Gears of War in the time Square Enix only released Final Fantasy XIII and FFVXIII. Square Enix is taking forever to make its games. If you don't want me to compare Epic to Square Enix. Let's compare Konami and Square Enix. Metal Gear Solid 4 was released this June as a PS3 exclusive. It only took 1 year and a half after the release of the PS3 for them to release the game while Square Enix are relasing the game God only knows when.

Your understanding of anything pertaining to this thread is pretty weak. Firstly FF XIII probably has far more depth than Gears 1 & 2 put together like others have said the amount of cinemtatics , diaglogue , maps , quests , intracies  involved ina game like FF dwarfs anything with the name "Gears on it"





Of course, your understanding of anything pertaining to my post is pretty weak. In fact, I don't think you read more than the first 3 sentences. I said, if you think don't want to compare Gears of War to Final Fantasy, you can use Metal Gears Solid instead and my argument remains. You can't possibly say that Final Fantasy FXIII will have more depth than MGS4. People said in this thread that they spent 6 months alone on motion capture. This game is the biggest PS3 exclusive so far and yet it released 6 months ago.

Now, prove me that Konami are not more efficient than Square Enix.

By the way, I don't agree that FF dwarfs anything with the name Gears on it but it wasn't the point of my post to compare Epic to SE but to compare SE to pretty much every other companies.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...