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atma998 said:
hotrodx said:
atma998 said:
hotrodx said:
I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (So rry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

You don't understand that games have very little impact on sales. The price and the target market are the key to have good sales, see what X360 and Wii did. The only way Sony could increase its sales is a price cut, GT or GoW won't do anything but a 1 week boost in hardware.


Oh, it's just an example. It's not the only way the PS3 can get some boost. But big games in the past do boost sales (MGS4 for example), and good scheduling of releases can help maintain good sales (and some luck that it's the lull moment on the opposing console).

I mean, look at it when MGS4 was released. While the 360 still had a healthy lead, people had some feeling that the PS3 was turning the tide. And the PS3 actually outsold the 360 in the first half of the year, only to be undone by Microsoft's pricecut and unbelieavable luck that the bad economy is actually helping them. I thought the lucky leprechaun was in Boston. It turned out to be in Redmond.



MGS4 did only a one week boost of 160k on hardware, putting PS3 to 320k WW. The week after its release, sales returned to 160k WW.

As for the first half of the year PS3 outsold 360 by 30-40k weekly. Now 360 outsell PS3 by more than 200k this week. Luck doesn't have anything to do here.


By "luck" I meant things that cannot be controlled. The price can be controlled. The games can be controlled. The economy cannot (at least by Microsoft).

The bad economy actually multiplied the effect of the pricecut. It was really well played by Microsoft going into the holidays.



Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.