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NJ5 said:
RPG said:


The 360 HAS to lower prices to keep any advantage and the Wii does not, it simply shows why 360 sells compared to PS3. How do you expect me to know what price PS3 will start selling huge numbers? I am simply saying brand power means that one should never count the console out of second place, especially when the console currently in second place is selling only due to being half the price of PS3.

Be honest here, if the 360 and PS3 were at equal price which do you think would sell better and why?

I think that says more about the Wii's appeal than it does about 360's ;)

If the 360 and the PS3 were selling for the same price, either the 360 would have more features, the PS3 would have less features or Sony would be headed for bankruptcy. All those three scenarios would imply a different battle which we can't judge without knowing the specifics.

If you mean "which would sell better in a parallel universe where the PS3 with more features cost the same as the 360 to manufacture", then I'll grant the PS3 would sell better.



Well I only care of your parallel universe prediction, agreed that the PS3 would be the better selling console. ;)