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Of course Nintendo has the brightest future, but not necessarily due to Wii HD. There's a big chance their next console will be HD, I guess 720p max. It's not sure they will have HDMI though.

HD is meaningless anyway. The more I look at 1080p content, the less I'm hesitant to buy DVD. The higher price for HD content is just not worth it. HD has no appeal value for games either.

arsenicazure said:

If you do read the reviews of the wii.. the launch ones atleast you will realise that most people complained about poor graphics and everyone liked the motion control but no one thought wii would be the generation leader. again the wii is not more capable than the xbox.. they both are geared for different things.

This is where your problem is: you live in a world that is a small part of the real world. For example, your 'most people complained' actually is 'most hardlycore complained'. Unfortunately, the hardlycore world is far from being the real world. That's why everything you say just looks like out of this world to normal people. Nobody that is not locked in this small hadrlycore world complains of supposedly poor graphics on Wii. Also, they don't think that it's more capable than the XBox. They just don't know what the XBox is, so for most people, the Wii is light years ahead of the XBox in capabilities. There are just no comparisons, I can give you that.

arsenicazure said:

My gripe with the wii is nintendo wants you to be happy with their console just because they have given you motion control- it doesnt have good online, graphics or sound.

I understand your gripe. That's because of not being knowledgeable in any of the things you cited, but you want to be knowledgeable, you just can't, so you blame Nintendo and the Wii.

I agree that the Wii doesn't have good online, graphics or sound. No, it actually has excellent online, graphics and sound.


arsenicazure said:

The wii sells lesser software per console as opposed to the xbox and this despite the fact that xbox users ultimately shell out more money

I pity the XBox users fools that shell out more money. I can understand your hatred for seeing people enjoying themselves more while paying less. Fortunately the Wii, being one year younger than the XB360, sells less software by console. It already sells more software and has passed XB360 in hardware long ago. It would be a complete and utter humiliation if XB360 had nothing going for it against the Wii, though it's a very poor consolation.


arsenicazure said:

Wii's also have a slight reputation for not being played much after their novelty wears off.. again im not flaming the wii but these are facts.

Not all people buying a Wii are hardcore gamers? Wow, revelation!

It must be hard coming from the hardlycore world and discovering the real world. The shock may be too hard to stand. Fortunately, the Wii has casual gamers that play it a lot without talking nonsense about reputation (like they care).

arsenicazure said:

And right now the 360 is doing everything that nintendo isnt. Lots of games, great online, continually improving GUI.

I don't understand, you'd have to check your facts. Both Wii and DS have more games than XB360, both have a better online, and both have a better GUI. MS went all the way to copy the Wii's GUI, but it's not enough to attract people. Their GUI is still worse anyway.