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SmokedHostage said:
McDonald said:
1. Sony makes high quality products. The failure rate of PS3's is extremely low. they make great TV's and much more. They are one of the most trusted names in electronics. I'm sorry your laptop broke, but theres no guarantee if you had a different brand laptop it would be working perfectly.

2. So your pissed PS2 destroyed the Dreamcast? And a DVD player isn't a gimmick, motion controls are.

3. The controllers are similar, but still different enough. The 360 controller took more from the Dualshock than the PS1 took from the N64 controller.

4. Firstly your from USA so don't worry about Japan. Secondly GT5 and FF13 and vs 13 are the Japan love your looking for.


 1.) it was a desktop... >:

2.) Yea.. that's why the boomerang controller was replaced with Sixaxis..

3.) At the very least, MS didn't make billions copying Ninty

4.) Japan is the motherland for gaming.. when it goes down the tubes, I'm sure gaming will go down the tubes with it.


A) Gaming in Japan will never go down the tubes.

B) EVEN IF IT DID (and I want to stress that it won't) playing the devil's advocate none-the-less, the United States is the big fish now in the gaming market.  We buy more games than any other nation (and this has nothing to do with the attach rate, because it's irrelevant in this discussion)

I don't know the exact long term numbers, but we buy nearly 3 in 10 of all games sold world wide. 

And let's not exclude the EU's importance in this discussion.  Gaming (especially in the UK and Germany) has really cemented itself there as well... and the EU market for gaming is constantly growing.


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