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CGI-Quality said:

Very true, and Bmaker, I have a feeling you'll be coming back to this thread to retract your statement - just watch!!! :D


I'm an unbiased fan of all 3 consoles, but I don't think that this is Sony's generation.  It is bar none the best piece of hardware this generation, but XBOX Live, the exclusives thus far, and price is just too much for Sony to overcome. 

I originally bought my 360 because it came out first, and my friends list on Live transferred over... but XBOX Live is just dominating the PSN.

I honest to god prefer my PS3 because of hardware stability, quiteness, beauty, the longer lifespan, the absolutely best-in-class Blu-ray player, and most important for me, the Sixaxis controller is my favorite... but XBOX Live is just so addicting that I can't seem to get enough of it.  MS also really pulled off a coup d'etat with the Netflix feature.  It really is as cool as it gets.

Sony's redemption is in making the PSN more user friendly and better features and finding a way to drop the price to $250-299 on the starter console.

And yes, I defintely agree that the current $399 price is a bargain.. but the general public doesn't seem to care that you get more for $399 PS3 than a $199 Xbox 360 Arcade.  The bottom line is that you can dip your feet in the world of Xbox for $200 and to do the same with Sony, you gotta drop twice as much cash.

On top of this, please don't argue with me that the Xbox 360 cost more in the long run, because I already know this to be true... but the general public doesn't care about the longterm.  If they did, we wouldn't be a credit card society.  People don't save up a grand to buy something, they just charge it... instant gratification.  People want what they want right now, and the long term costs/consequences don't generally register with folks.



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
