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Well, I'll have to take you to task on your whole opinion really.

Sony (while a little high in price on most of their products) really makes a great product every time they create anything. Sony is long known to be the leader in technology and quality.

I have always been a Sony fan, because their products are always a few notches above the competition (yes, there are exceptions to this, but all-in-all, Sony always makes a great product).

As for your "Dreamcast Killer" comment, that's just silly. Everyone knows that the Dreamcast was killed by Sega. Out of all of their marketing campaigns, the Dreamcast campaign was one of their worst.

On top of this, Sega hurt themselves by deciding to kill of the Saturn as quickly as they did. A lot of developers were cut short in the middle of development of titles for the Saturn when Sega abandoned the console as quickly as they did... and most of them were in no hurry to develop titles for the Dreamcast because they still had the bad taste in their mouth from the Saturn abandonment.

More importantly, while I've always had some affection and a soft spot for the Dreamcast, it wasn't as good as a system as the PlayStation 2. I know Dreamcast fanboys hate to hear this, but it's just true.

The Dreamcast failed because it wasn't as good of a system, Sega marketing has always sucked, and the Dreamcast was just another example of that, and most importantly they ticked off game developers.

And as for the controller, every manufacturer tried and still tries to make a controller that is somewhat like the competition (for hand-eye familiarity) but different enough to be called alone.

If you want to dive into controller idea copying, Sony really helped spur the ergonomic minded controller. Everyone else really just copied them... but who cares? Sega (for the Master System & Genesis) copied the controller pin-set of the Atari 2600. We used to swap in the Atari stick on the Sega for some games and vice-versa.

Long story short, Sega killed themselves.. they know it, I know it, game developers know it... heck anyone who was around when they released the console knows it. Sega has even admitted this postpartum.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
