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ok my 2 cents...


1. the ps1 was a direct copy of what the snes was except for a cd rom in it but the cd player aspect of it was gimmiky, the ps1   controller was indeed copied from ninty.

2. the ps2's dvd player was a big reason lots of ps2 owners bought a ps2. easily 50%, the 120 million everyone saysthat the ps2 has in a way is false if you ask around everyone that has owned or still owns a ps2 will tell you they are on their 4th or 5th copy of the system. so i take it as this as the system did well so did hte breaking of the console which had the same people buying the system over and over again.


3. the dreamcast was killed off by the ps2's dvd player option. sega gave up as well if they would've kept going the dreamcast i believe could've takent eh ps2 in sales as the alternative.


4. stop dissin her on her opinion cause its more common then not that sony has bad hardware. when does the warrenties start running out on the ps3's and watch them start failin more then they already have.

5 alot of people bought the hype of the ps2. remember that same duck demo that they keep showing over and over and over again to show the "power" of their machine? the second and third time they showed it everyone was like ummm SSDD for sony. i myself hopes sony loses so much their game division gets cut but it wont till after the ps4 bombs.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049