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Bboid said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Don't get a 1080p 32" TV... it's pointless on anything smaller than a 40" (and really is not very noticeable difference wise until you hit 50").

I personally think Toshiba & Sony make the best in the 32" range because the refresh rates are faster and smoother... but really there are a lot of great manufacturers out there.

I have 4 HDTVs...

a 65" Sony Bravia 1080p, a 42" Vizio 720p, 40" Olevia 720p, and a 27" Toshiba 720p.

And out of those 4, the Vizio is the worst gaming TV because it trails more than the others, and the refresh rates for gaming is very unimpressive. More importantly, it depends on your budget... how much can you spend?


what series is your bravia?


Hmm, good question.  I bought it earlier this year for my home theatre.  It has a "Bravia" writen on transparent plastic in the bottom left corner, and of course "Sony" in the middle under the screen.  That's about all I know about the series, because I can't find the manual.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
