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*~Onna76~* said:
Squilliam said:
Im all for the yawn for those threads.



Couldn't agree with you more, a reason why I hardly post around here. I agree, Sony isn't doing well, but can we lay it to rest now for peace sake instead of opening like 50 sort a like threads about how bad Sony is doing and to read from many people how much they enjoy Sony's sorrow. Normal game talk without any bashing nor trolling is very hard to find here.

Same goes to anti threads from other consoles. It should stop! This place ain't a joy to come and read for fun, that's for sure! People can't talk normal about each others platforms, even threads about games there's always a bunch of people who feel the need to troll and yeah... then you get easily irritated and dragged into it and start trolling yourself. I'm personally done with that. Some people say to me that I sound depressed, that's because I'm getting depressed when I read a lot of stuff around here.

This, this, a thousand times this :P.

Anyways i agree with both you. It's really tiresome, Sony already got their ass handed to them when their console was released. Leave SONY ALONE!!! :P


PSN ID: clemens-nl