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I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (Sorry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.