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If it wasn't for SC4's character editor, I'd have to think about buying it. I say this because they removed Team Battle mode. That simple feature alone was impressive and added tons of replay value for me, and my bro who doesn't even play video games. It would've been even more amazing combined with what you can do with the char editor.

Still though, the game is pretty good. I still play it sometimes, but it definitely lacks more gameplay modes.

I'll add one more thing....I didn't even find out about this till I bought SC4 since no one really brought it up, but it's easily the most frustrating thing for me in the game: The equipment/armor/clothing pieces in the character creator all have their stats attached to them. That means if you care about having really good stats, etc, you might end up looking a little random and mismatched. Many of the equipment pieces are imbalanced too (some pieces are made obsolete by others). The only 2 gameplay modes where special stats don't apply are Arcade mode and Standard versus.

Still though, I don't regret buying it, but it had potential to be something much more awesome.

PSN: Parasitic_Link