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Sadly yes, but let me explain: Developers dislike the ps3 a lot

I work as a freelance game tester, and I have to deal with multiplatform games a lot.

The PS3 game are just ports from the 360, and the bugs come out to play, porting is not an easy task, lot's of coding, and some gets gobbled or something. I have seen a release date pushed back more than a month because of Port problems.

Many times The Ps3 Version is filled with bugs that were fixed on the 360 (I am under an NDA so that is all I can say, sorry!), and the developer, who are under pressure to release the game, give up on the pS3 build.

The Dev kit for the 360 is apparently(I do not code, I test), much better than the PS3's, which is logical since Microsoft is in that business!

The PS3, if it had a market share NOW might be able to pull it off...But it dose not.
With the economy worsening, there is unfortunately no way for the PS3 to come back

It is the Dreamcast/Sega Saturn of this generation: It has some great games, and neat hardware, but bad luck, and too pricey.