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Smashchu2 said:
Yes. They will lose some becuase

1)The Wii will take them
2)The system's reputation is shot

I fully agree with you. Besides, as I've said on the forums before, I know no one besides my supervisor at work who owns a PS3, and her husband and son only play it for football and other sports titles. Oh, as well as DVDs and Blu-Ray. Seriously, the PS3 is an upgrade of the PS2, but all the hopes and dreams Sony had with the PS3 are gone from the PS2 era, seeing as other developers are producing more games on the Wii and X360. Sure the PS3 DOES get high quality titles, but they are so few and non-existant. I mean, no one I know of knows about the game called LittleBigPlanet. Even the children at the daycare never heard of it until they saw the commercials. One kid said it looked dumb and that Mario Kart Wii was better >_> I don't have Mario Kart Wii, though, so I wouldn't know how fun that game is, and I don't own a PS3, but I would never buy LBP or whatever game comes out on the PS3 that doesn't interest me. I'd only try to find a PS3 model that plays PS2 games, as those games seem to be much better than what the PS3 has on the market. Sorry, but these mature games (the overly violent) do not interest me one bit, and I don't see anyone besides 'hardcore' people playing them.

If I were Sony and my PS3 system wasn't selling within the third of fourth year compared to the competition, I would have called it quits. Seriously, with all the shit Sony went through during the systems launch, I seriously would stop the system. I don't see a point in fixing something that isn't broken, but rather not a good enough product to warrant the sales for the mass-market. Price is the factor, along with the games. Not everyone is going to want a system that's still too expensive with games that are not overly violent. And don't go saying stuff like LBP is something everyone would play. It's not from what I heard forum members state that it's difficult to make stages. No one is going to waste time trying to figit with something like that. Plus the Sack-On-Crack boys and girls scare the fucking hell out of me. They are so disgusting I would want to take a knife and cut them to ribbons, then take a torch and burn them to cinders. Worst looking character I've ever seen, those disgusting and horny voodoo dolls. But hey, that's my opinion, and sorry for ranting.

Not everyone is going to like what Sony offers. The price of the system and the selection of the games determine the sales of the system, not all the bells and whistles. Sure the PS3 would be a great piece of hardware, but it's only a luxury. It is not like it is a car as you cannot depend on it to save your life.