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Same drill as when I bought the 360 and PS3.  I want game recommendations.  I only owned 9 games on my original PSP, which was stolen almost a year ago now.  I have updated my profile with the 3 I own now (the original 9 were taken with the PSP).  So go ahead and recommend.  Games you don't need to recommend, because I will be buying them anyway:

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles
Jeanne D'Arc
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (already bought)
Patapon (already bought)
Ratchet & Clank (already bought)

I originally owned these and intend to replace them.  Also, I hate FFVII, so don't recommend Crisis Core please. 

PS: Yes, this means I own all consoles and handhelds and a gaming PC, and yes, that means I'm better than you.