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Arguing over the Euro launch is pointless since obviously a launch does not a system make, or else the GameCube (730k in 12 days) would have done a lot better then it ended up doing. Sony fanboys can be proud if they want, their system had a record launch in Europe . Now that the early adopters/fanboys are out of the way we will see if the PS3 can outsell the Wii and Xbox360 on a sustained basis. We know the answer to that question in America and Japan is a resounding no thus far but Europe is Sony land so it will inevitably perform better there. Have a beer Sony fanboys, I'd say don't enjoy Sony's success too much but I remember the GameCube launch was one of the only good times for a Nintendo fanboy so I suppose you should enjoy it as much as you possibly can. Given what's happening elsewhere in the world there won't be too many opportunities for it in the future.