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Well with the Holiday shopping season in full effect, I figured "Why not have a retail musings thread".  For those who don't know, retail musings are what you see in local stores and what's selling.  Since this is a video-game sales site, it pertains to what game sales you see at your local Wal-marts, Game Stops, Game Crazies, Best Buys, Circuit Cities, Targets, and the like.  Of course all of this is anecdotal evidence, but it may help provide some insight into buying trends and such.  The format usually follows:


Location:  City, State

Date:  Day

Musings:  Console X was in ample supply, Console Y was sold out, Game Z wasn't touched, etc.  Doesn't have to be hard numbers, just some rough estimates of what you thought you saw, or even behavior at the store.

So here's mine.



November 29

Was only here for a few, but the electronics section was booming.  And there were at least twenty people crowded around the Wii section.  The shame was that so much shovelware was being bought.  Surprisingly, Wii Fits and MK Wii were in stock.  The console was in stock too.  The 360 section was normal.  All consoles were in stock.  As was the PS3 section.  There weren't any copies of LBP in though, or Motorstorm: Pacific Rift.  Which could be a good or bad thing, as I didn't ask an associate.  360 games were moving briskly though.  CoD: WaW is going to be a nice holiday 360 seller.  And I even saw a copy of Lips being sold.  That's about it.