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Where is the hardcore games for the Wii

where are the "good AAA" games for the Ps3

And why is that M$ stealing all Sony Exclusive and still not being respected  for what its been doing..


why is that everytime there is a "decent" game people are still not happy about

why is "some" people scare to have fun with the wii and admitting it?

why is a game selling well and not having a good review score making it Casual?

why is that i hear kids talking about the 360 more than any other console and its not even close to the wii..

why is that the ps3 is catching up with 360 and people are saying the ps3 will end up in last place..?

why is that the Ds.......nothing to say here

why are people scare to admit that the Wii is/was a good thing to happen to gaming since the NES

why do people think that Nintendo is forgetting about the Hardcore

why and why are people to snobs, annoying, and can't be happy for what they got, and stop whining and trying to pick out the stupidest things about a console or game just to put down a loyal or fan of there choice of playing and having fun with there sense of gaming...



alkjflkasjdflkasdflk im drunk =D


oh come and flame me i can't wait..=DDDD<3