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The Ghost of RubangB said:
It's funny you feel that way, because it's the best zombie film ever made. Fast zombies are an abomination created by a post-MTV editing style where everything has to be super fast to keep the viewers (now zombies themselves) interested.

Zombie films before the 60's all sucked, and Night of the Living Dead re-defined the entire genre for the 60's and every zombie film after that was ripping it off. Dawn of the Dead re-defined the entire genre yet again for the 70's, modernizing the genre with malls and biker gangs and everything else. The whole point was that there's really no difference between humans and zombies if all we do is walk around a mall shopping like slaves. Every zombie film since then has been biting Dawn. Romero even rewrote it himself for the remake. They just got some hip new director to make it faster and scarier for the kids.

And I agree with HappySqurriel. Zombies aren't scary because they're really fast or strong or deadly on their own; they're scary because there are always more zombies than bullets.


I don't necessarily have a problem with slow zombies (though I still think faster ones are scarier), in fact, I love Night of the Living Dead (though I haven't watched in 10-15 years).

And I'm sorry, even a horde of 1000 zombies from Dawn of the Dead wouldn't be scary.  The only way to make them less threatening would be to tie teddy bears around their necks.