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I kinda hoped that we could keep this idiot under wraps here to our American and British friends mostly.

He is a fearmongerer indeed and I doubt that he'll ever be part of the cabinet. As it stands now, most cabinets are formed central-leftist/central-rightish because the Christian democrats (centre-right) tend to have the most loyal voterbase. And this party will always shun the PVV.

And as a consideration, one of the most left parties (SP socialist parties) still recieve more seats then Geert, thank god.

He truelly is a one issue party, concerning foreigners and muslims in particular. All other ideas (animalpolice - really) fall flat on their faces. I just hope the Dutch populace wises up at some point, and see that we need wise men with at least one title in front of their name to lead us.

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