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Oyvoyvoyv said:
Legend11 said:
It's only natural to feel pity for the underdog but Sony in my opinion deserves none for the PS3. They were arrogant at the start of this generation when people questioned its price so it's not like their current situation couldn't have been avoided. They also used loyal Playstation gamers to win the format war. And they did developers absolutely no favors by making them have to spend even more time and money figuring out the PS3 when HD development is already expensive enough.

As for the thread I think the PS3 is having serious problems that will only get worse next year. People can list games like Killzone 2 but I'm willing to bet they won't do a thing to help the PS3 and the PS3's big guns will all come too late (much like everything else when it comes to the PS3). Also you can bet Microsoft will be there at every turn to counter whatever Sony does bring out. If people think the doom and gloom is bad now wait until the numbers for November and December are in.


 I'm still wondering what this has to do with the topic, and I've read it three times now...


His first paragraph was OT and blatant trolling.  His second paragraph was basically putting words into Squill's mouth.  Squill never said those games would boost the ps3's sales.  He said they would probably sell enough to make back any money spent on a price drop.