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whatever said:
The PS3 will be fine next year. All this doom and gloom is silly. We'll definitely see at least one price cut next year as BR drives will continue to get cheaper and cheaper.

It looks like we'll have 3 healthy consoles this gen, which is great for gaming. We do NOT want only one dominant console. Nintendo already had issues when it was dominant.

As a software developer, I've seen how bad it is when M$ drives competitors out of a market. Borland used to sell compilers for $100 or less, then M$ came in and under cut them, effectively killing Borland. Once that happened, Visual Studio suddenly cost more than $1000 bucks. Same happened with the Word Processer as they under cut Word Perfect (which was a FAR superior product).

If there is one company a gamer should NOT want to dominate the industry, its M$.

By all accounts, Sony has been loss-leading much more than MS in the gaming market. If SCE dies, it's not just because Microsoft has more money than them, it's largely their fault (mixed with some bad luck regarding the economy and exchange rates).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957