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I'm likely going to be banned for this but I just need to get this off my chest.  I really can't say I hate Sony because they used to have some good hardware in the 90's.  Hell even the PS1 was fairly solid in my eyes.  But as time has gone by my opinion of them is going down and down.

1.) My old Vaio

I never had a computer crash as often as my Sony Vaio.  I currently own 2 Dell Desktops, 1 Toshiba Labtop, and one Compaq Desktop and they haven't crashed in several months.  My old Vaio, on the other hand, crashed once every month I owned it.  On top of that, the motherboard fried.. but I can't really blame Sony for that.. can I?

2.) The Uprooting of the Dreamcast

Much like people say the Wii only says because of the gimmicky controller, I think the bulk of PS2 sales were for its gimmicky DVD player.  I honestly believe the PS2 would have been more competitive with the Dreamcast if it didn't have the DVD player.  Damn you Sony, you killed one of my favorite consoles of all time.

3.) Sony actually copying Ninty

Yes I said it.

If it wasn't for N64 controller being announced, this would have been the Playstation one controller.  Notice the lack of Dual analog.  Doesn't look familar?

A hybrid of 2 Ninty controllers.. tisk tisk.



Tell me I'm not the only one who sees something wrong here.

4.) Where's the Japanese love?

They release a grill and have limited games for the Japanese audience.  Of course HD gaming is dying in that region.  My advice, work on a smaller PS3 and "Moneyhat" some JRPG's.  Japanese gaming may be in decline but at the very least try to release something... Legend of the Dragoon HD maybe?



Pixel Art can be fun.