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@Gar, alot of the "demo's" are just what they got they're hands on. If anything the full games ran better :X Just a little FYI.

Also, your comparing alot of Multi-plats in your second segment, most of which we know for a fact run better on the 360, I mean it's just common knowledge.

We also didn't include games like Mass Effect, (a HUGE title for the 360,) which runs at like 23 frames a second :x

My gripe with the 360, is that if it's not a game developed by Epic Studio's, it's just not that impressive :/

Plus to top it all off, the guy who did the counts obviously hasn't done every game for both systems, so it's obviously missing data.

All in all I'm going to give the "power console" title to the PS3, it just seems pretty obvious :/

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