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I know it's blasphemy to like a FPS better on a console than a PC.

I got L4D for Steam on launch day and loved it to death.  On a whim I decided to try L4D on the 360 today and I think I loved it even more.

The controls took a little while to get use to and I think I may switch the quick turn and reload buttons if it will let me and possibly move the crouch button but they are actually really good.  I was a little afraid at first so I stayed with the shotgun but I later moved to the rifle and it felt pretty good.  It's a little harder to hit really far targets (really noticed on the hospital roof) but that was it.

So once I figured out the controls I tried a random game with random people...and it sucked.  One of the people refused to leave those apartments near the start of No Mercy.  We got all the way to the safe room and he was still somehow in the apartments (and surviving!).  We went all the way back as far as we could, he finally dropped down, and then found another corner.  Oh, and then there was also the idiot that decided to throw a molotov *at* the players when they were surrounded by zombies (he actually thought he was being helpful).  Fucktard.

Since he was the host we couldn't do much about it so we all just left.

After that, I tried another random game with people.  The game started and someone dropped but we went on.  A few minutes later someone else joined in and it was great.

We made our way up to the roof and died the first time.  Next time we had a little better plan and stuck together and made it through with all four players alive.

Anyways, I haven't tried Vs. on the 360 yet, but after playing through a campaign at least I actually really like the 360 version a lot better.  The controls were great!  I don't think I've ever liked a FPS this much on a console since Metroid Prime 3.  I can't wait to actually play it with some friends.