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Let's have a short look at last years holiday numbers then :).

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 03rd Nov 2007 to 05th Jan 2008:

Console Wii PS3 X360

That's last years november and december sales. Wii sold 47.5% of all 7th gen consoles during that time.

If we look at the last 5 weeks (those that I have been tracking so far in this thread:

Console Wii PS3 X360 PS360 Combined
Last 5 weeks
Comparable weeks last year 2,013,703 1,155,280 1,164,981 2,320,261

You can see that PS360 sales are up 10% compared to last year, while Wii Sales are so far up 50% compared to last year, giving it a total of 54% of the total sales in this period. We'll see how it goes over the holiday. It will be really interesting to see if Wii can continue to outsell the PS360 or if the demand is simply not enough to make that happen.

If the trends hold, and Wii in total will be up by 50% while PS360 will be up by 10%, we would have the following numbers for November/december:

Wii: 9.6 million
PS360: 7.7 Million

Giving Wii a total of 55% of the total sales during November/December.

Then again, this is an analysis and not a prediction. There are far more variables affecting the analysis than I have brought up here, and it's more a sort of guideline to how one can think about it than anything else.

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