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mike_intellivision said:
There are high barriers to market entry, limited synergies with existing products, and an already crowded market.

Those are recipes for failure.

If there were only two game-makers -- for example if Nintendo had dropped out like everyone thought they should after the Game Cube and become just a software and handheld maker -- then they might have a chance.

But the market has never been able to support more than three competing consoles at any one time. So you don't want to be No. 4.

To answer the original question -- it would sell more than the Pippin but less than the Dreamcast (10.6M).

Mike from Morgantown


The barriers to entry are really high. You either need a talented pool of 1st party developers or a massive pile of cash to throw at 3rd parties for exclusives and ports. Apple certainly doesn't have the former, and they don't want to play the "throwing money around" game with Microsoft (who does?).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957