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I think the 360 will sell well this week but i still think it will be a week the Wii posts huge numbers too. Here in UK the PS3 has been given a mini price cut in various stores to help sell but simply nobody wants them. Even blockbuster have a good deal going where you can get one for like £250 with 1 game and 5 Blu-Ray discs. But they are just not selling. So while the price is obviously a big factor i think it is more down to it's reputation is crap really and that is what is putting the pain on it. Blu-Ray to majority of people means nothing, i remember going into PC World a few months back and there was an assistant showing this old guy a plasma tv and had a Blu-Ray disc on. He was saying how amazing it was etc.. the old guy turned and said "looks the same to me". And that in my view is the problem. Only us little electronics geeks really see the difference because we really badly want to believe we have just spent loads of money on something actually worth it!
So i think 360 will post good numbers but the gap maybe less then 200k this week. However reading those stories about people getting trampled on for 360's has to be a 1st for me...