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Im sorry but I use to work as dept manager of electronics at walmart(now im over night manager) and I know for a fact that you cant just drop the price of electronics just like that lol it has to be approved by home office first and to say he did it to make space lol makes no sence at all as having 50 wiis like that will sell no problem at all and if he was lacking the space all he would have to do is hold oder for any wiis for how ever long he saw fit to sell them by. IF he did any of what you said then ofcourse home office will find out very soon and not only will he get fired but so will the other co managers(there is usually atleast 2) for letting him price it so. Im sorry but having worked for walmart for over 6 years I know how it works and what you wrote is so full of holes that I cant be true.......having said that you never