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Staude said:
No matter what any of you guys say, personally i prefere good graphics to shit ugly graphics. (I make graphics myself, coincitentially on a outdated engine) In either case i think it'll be awesome if the psp2 has some epic machinery. I'll deffo grab one :)


Everyone prefers "Good Graphics" to "Ugly Graphics" its just our definitions of "Good Graphics" and "Ugly Graphics" is different from yours. I personally grew up playing the Collecovision, a 286 and the NES when they were all considered to have "Great Graphics" and when I was your age I was drooling over the upcomming PS2 and how amazing its graphics were ... I suspect that as you get older you will start to have problems looking at a game and saying "Wow that has great graphics" only to say "Man those are shitty graphics" within 18 months simply because something better came along.


With all that said ... The Wii has amazingly low energy consumption requirements, and if the components were shrunk down using the 45nm process you should be able to get similar performance out of a handheld system; if Sony is targeting a 32nm process, and used a more modern GPU, they should be able to produce some very impressive visuals. The question I would have is "What is the point?"

On a 5 inch screen it would be very difficult to see many of the improvements from the current PSP to something as powerful as the PS3; on top of this most handheld games (that are successful) are still 2D and the difference in quality of 2D games from the Nintendo DS to this more powerful PSP would be fairly limited.