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HappySqurriel said:
RPG said:

Simple question, I have come on this site for a very long time as a guest and for the first half of the year it was Sony fanboys saying PS3 sales would catch up with 360 ones very soon as it was outselling the console worldwide. Now after a 360 price cut it is the other way round, people saying the PS3 is dead now, nothing can help it, a price cut next year will be too late etc etc etc.

Why do people not think rationally on this site? Of course many people do but honestly I have seen a lot of people who seem to only factor in the last month and then say x console is doomed. Another example is the amount of PS3 is doomed in Japn threads I have seen, thats right the PS3 is now apparently doomed because the 360 outsold the PS3 for a whole 10 weeks, completely ignoring the last 70+ weeks PS3 outsold it.


/rant --_+


Honestly, the reason that there seems to be so few people producing rational arguments is that rational arguments tend to kill threads whereas odd-fanboy logic leads to epic threads ...

Now, why the PS3 seems to be taking a bigger beating in the "System A is Doomed!" threads lately is because there is no rational arguments left for a major long term boost in PS3 sales in the near future.

This is why my threads have an average of 5 replies :(


And OP, if you're ranting about people having short attention spans - check your info. Having the wrong info is just as bad.


70 weeks would be a little over 1 1/4 year.

Let's look at the first of those quarters.


24th August - 24th November - 2007.

Ps3: 2061K

X360: 2735K.


I agree. The Ps3 was heavily outselling the 360 during this period.


Next quarter.

24th November 07 to 23rd February 08.

Ps3: 4372K

X360: 3677K


So they're pretty much dead evern for those 6 months. Not really the Ps3 outselling the 360 regularily for the time, huh?


So... Yeah. The Ps3 has been outselling the 360 on a weekly basis for 7 months. That is a pretty huge difference from 15 months (or actually 16, as you claim).


Next up.


How much did Ps3 win with weekly in those 7 months? Let's have a look.


Week ending 1st March to week ending 4th October

 Ps3: 5362K

X360: 4539K


Difference: 823K. Over 30 weeks: 27.4K weekly. In %, the Ps3 sold ~ 18% more than the 360.


Right, okay. Week ending 11th October to week ending 22nd November (7 weeks).

 Ps3: 1312K

X360: 1913K


Difference: 601K. Weekly - 86K.


So that's a pretty steep difference. In 7 weeks, the X360 caught up with the gap the Ps3 had made in 7 months.


It isn't about winning each week, it is about winning in total sales. If you "lose" 50 weeks by 10K, but then catch up and win one by 650K, you've done better than your opponent.


 I'm pretty certain nobody will read this post though :(

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS