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WessleWoggle said:
Phendrana said:
Grey Acumen said:
Rath said:
@Grey Acumen. Well it doesn't appear to be treatable as so far all the treatments have turned out to be shams.

In any case why would you treat it? What is the point of stopping something which is entirely natural and causes no actual harm. It'd remind me of the treatments they used to do to reduce sexuality in young girls - going entirely against nature.

Isn't depression, or ADHD, or autism, or bipolarity entirely natural? Most of those are the result of biological and neuro-chemical differences that occur from genetics after all. They still get treatment, because those conditions are hampering their ability to interact with other people and lead a happy life.

From what you say, homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and from everything I've heard it makes it harder for them to socialize and interact with the rest of society and find happiness. So why shouldn't they have the option? After all, if a gay person actually WANTS to be straight, but can't, why can't we give him or her REAL help in doing that?


Your logic is ridiculously flawed. Homosexuality isn't causing them problems. It's not stopping them from interacting with other people or from leading a happy life the same way any of those actual mental disorders would. You know what is causing them problems? Hate from other people. They'd get along just fine if it wasn't for that. Maybe we should be treating prejudice instead.

Though I wouldn't want to be treated for my gayness with medicine, How would that even work? It's not like people would forget thier opinions and former thoughs.


Is being in the minority getting you down? Tired of being persecuted by the majority? Conform with gene therapy!

Make those gay babies straight! Make those black babies white! There won't be prejudice when everyone's the same!

Trust me, you'll be happier when you're everyone else. And everyone else will be happier with you.