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Just trying to get my head around all the PS3 doom and gloom threads, IMO the price is the main factor selling 360's and not software. With that said if you do not alreasdy have a PS3, would you consider purchasing it with a $100 or £100 price cut? The only reason I hear people not wanting a PS3 yet is due to price and I would agree looking at the economica state but with that said I would expect many people to buy PS3's at that price.

Is it really and doom and gloom for PS3 or with a price cut would you buy it? Software wise I think there are reasons to own the console, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, GT5 of course etc so with that said price looks to be the major issue. Many have a 360 and that is enough for them but for me that was not the case, for one I purchased the console just for GT5......19 months ago and it looks to be another year away. +_+