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markers said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

At my local Wal-Mart, we had 82 PS3's, 90 Wii's, 72 arcades, 40 pros.

Sold all the 360's by lunch. Ended up with aobut 40 PS3's, and of course, no Wii's whatsoever.

As for software, it went about how you'd expect. 360 software flying off shelves, PS3 stuff not moving that well. Still had some LBP copies from before black friday(It's selling like a niche game, I only saw 1 copy sell). Wasn't enough of the big name Wii games to go around(Kart/fit), so the shovelware moved quite a bit. Fallout 3, GTAIV, MGS4 didn't get any bumps, look to have been at least somewhat frontloaded. WaW best selling game on the PS3 by far.

Wii accessories were flying off the shelves. I bet I told 25 people what the hell Wii points were for.

Honestly, I believe the PS3 is gonna have a rude awakening when NPD rolls around. From my experience, the majority of sales at my store were from people who were afraid they weren't gonna be able to get a 360 before christmas. i actually was responsible for a few of those PS3 sales, told folks "PS3 has about the same graphics and games as the 360, it's just more expensive, but has Blu-Ray." /explain what BR is to people, ect, ect.

We had this early morning deal with a 360(pro or arcade, I forget)/guitar hero III and guitar sku for 199. Had like 14 of them, lol, sold out in a few minutes.

Is this anecdotal evidence true, or a lie? Do you ever notice how apparently whatever system a person is a fan of, that whole area around that person is also fans of that particular console.

I don't think we need anecdotal evidence to figure out what happened in the US market today. The Wii60 sold like crackrocks on angeldust. The PS3 is the big question. In all likelyhood it either sold well for a 399 console(less than the 360), or got completely destroyed in an epic wakeup call to Sony.

As for sales, the LBP/R2 legs theory will be put its first test. Other than that, you got the big 6: Gears, Fit, Kart, Duty, Rocktar Hero, Others.

I'll let you decide if my anecdote is real, however if it wasn't, would my predictions likely be wrong. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

the chicken probably


naw... technicly the egg hatched the modern day chicken from it's predicessor and it went out to dominate and push out whatever form that had birthed it.  A mutation that was beneficial.... anyway our Walmart sold everything out... we had twice as many if not more 360s and Wii's then we had PS3s, but they still sold out.