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KBG29 said:

That is a very possible outcome, and one that could happen, but would that be what you actually want. Basically what you are taliking about is exactly what I am hopeing doesn't happen. A next gen with systems that access the same PS Store, and XBL we see today. They may feature motion, but other than that they will be no differant than what we have today. The console we have right now are capable of way more than what we are seeing, and when it is all said and done I think many games will be looking close to what Crysis is.

I think the next gen needs to wait until we can have a real jump in input, and graphics technology. I want to see spot on motion controls, and Final Fantasy Spirts Within graphics next gen.


I'am agreeing with you, I don't want this to happen. Actaully i would like to see it happen with the ps3. I want to see shifts in balance. Sony one year microsoft the next. Or some other company (hopefully not EA...)  I would like to see the ps3 with the same stuff for a few reasons.

1. The cell as everyone knows is extremly powerful, but limited with the other hardward cramped in it and the fact that it is hard to create games for. Newer versions of the cell will come out, however using the same architechture developers will have the experience they need to already get a nice hefty output of the system. The only way i would want them to change there pcu is if some how they make it stronger and easier to make games for, and the only way i see that happening is pretty much making a computer like the 360.

2. I want to keep a balance as stated earlier. If microsoft wins, we have a monopoly on HD and vice versa. I have loved what sony has done in the past and i would like to see them do it in the future. They have a nice track record of stealing ideas and making them better :P

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2